Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Same shit

ok so heres the thing. i know that lu is the only person who reads this so whatever. But i thought that i was preggo because i didnt have a period the whole month of april but i started yesterday and i am bleeding like a fuking stuck pig!! im tired of being in this much pain!!! but what ever!! im thinkin about starting a video blog but i dont know if i should. what do you think? comment me back and let me know!! but ok whatever later taters

Thursday, April 23, 2009

my top 5 things
the top 5 things that i hate!!Ok so i guess you could say that im steeling a blog idea from lu but im sure that she wont mind

1. Stupid people: Because when i got to taco bell drive thru and i ask for a fork the dumb bitch looks at me like i have three heads!! YOU KNOW BITCH A FORK! ITS A UTENSEL THAT YOU EAT YOUR FOOD WITH. A FORK YOU DUMB CUNT!!-dumbass

2. People who think that they r better than me: Yes you are the size of a toothpick. GOOD FUCKIN FOR YOU. But see unlike you i can eat more than a carrot and not b full so if thats what bein skinny is like im sorry but you can keep it cuz i dont want it.- SKINNY BITCH

3. Young girls who think that they r ready to be a mother: Listen hunnie you are 13-14 yrs old. YOU ARE NOT ready for a baby. You cant even take care of youself. you dont have a job and your sleepin with ne1 and every1 just to get pregnant. You still a child yourself and you dont need to bring a child into this world that you cant take care of.- GROW UP

4. Aborotion: Why would you wanna MURDER a innocent child. If you didnt want to b a mother then you should'nt have opened your legs and gotten pregnant. Now if you were raped or the baby was deformed or somehting lik that i can understand. But for thoes of you who do it just cuz yoiu dont want a baby your stupid!! To quote Jim Carey in HORTON HEARS A WHO " A PERSON IS A PERSON NO MATTER HOW SMALL"- murders

5. PEOPLE WHO TALK ON THEIR CELL PHONES WHILE DRIVING: All i got to say is GET OFF YOU PHONE YOU DUMBASS. Pay attention im driving here you almost hit me you jackass!!!-GET OFF YOUR DAMN PHONE!!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

im new

Ok so im new to this whole Bloggin thing. My friend Lu told me about it so thankx lu. ummmmmmmmmmm My son had his neurologist appt today and it went wonderful. I was havin a good day until a "friend" called ant thought that i should just drop everyfuckin thing to go hang out with her and one of her friends. UM EXCUSE ME BUT I HAVE A FUCKIN LIFE!! Its not like i can just go party when i feel like it. I have a 22 month old for GOD's sake its not like i can just go here and there when i want to!!! I have other prioratys that i have to attend to before i can even think about hangin out wit all my friends!! And i said im sorry and she just dont give a fuck and thats what pisses me off da most!! What else am i supposed to say. But what ever. In the future i will TRY to make my blogs funny. AND THANKX AGIAN LU FOR TELLIN ME ABOUT THIS SITE. its a good way to get all of my feelings out. Kindda like a diary but everyone reads it. lol